Sponsor Partnerships
As our programs grow, we need to expand our base of support. We invite you to partner with us as we impact our schools, neighborhoods and cities — one life at a time!

Since 2014, officers with the Norfolk Police Department have been tutoring children through the Life Enrichment Center’s Literacy Initiative. The officers participate in weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions to help young students develop fundamental literacy skills. The children look forward to the time and attention from these caring adults, and it’s clear that they benefit from the weekly literacy tutoring sessions with police officers.
Beyond the academic improvements, the children also have learned to trust police protecting their families and neighborhoods. Read more about the Norfolk Police Department partnership.

With a company culture that embraces service, A. Reddix & Associates (ARDX) has quickly become a valued LEC partner. In early 2015, ARDX sponsored a Technology & Literacy Lab at Chesterfield Academy in Norfolk. Besides the corporate financial support, more than 40 ARDX associates volunteer their time and talent to serve as mentors for students. Each ARDX associate committed to pair with a child for an hour each week to work on reading and literacy skills.
In October, at the 2015 Annual Banquet, LEC recognized ARDX as Partner of the Year. Find out more about the story behind the ARDX team’s dedication to some of the most vulnerable children in our community.